Wiley or Riley


RHAME, June 26—Ruth, the little two-year old daughter of Frank DeKleinhan, was accidentally run over by a wagon at the ranch 25 miles southwest of town. The driver of the wagon was passing near the ranch and a little boy came out to get a hammer of the wagon, and while the driver was talking to the boy, the little girl came up on the opposite side of the wagon unnoticed. When the team started the driver noticed that the front wheels struck something, and looking back saw the little girl, the wheel had passed over the head and it seems strange that life was not crushed out of her instantly. She was brought at once to the Rhame Hospital. Dr. Ewbank is attending her and there seems to be a prospect for her recovery.

The Bismarck Daily Tribune, 6-26-1911

Caught In Saw

Posted 11/13/2012