Young Girl


Jud Leader: Word reached here Monday morning announcing the occurrence last Saturday of a terrible accident in the hills west of town, from the results of which one man may die and another is badly injured.

John Gumpke and a brother, whose name we were unable to learn, young German farmers living about ten miles west of Jud, were blasting rock with dynamite. At about seven o'clock in the evening last Saturday, they had placed a charge of dynamite in the rock but it failed to explode. They removed this and proceeded to recharge the rock and it was during this process that the accident occurred. John was tamping the earth around the charge with a crowbar and in some manner discharged the explosive.

The explosion destroyed one eye and the other was all but destroyed. His face was terribly lacerated and several fingers of one hand were blown away. His brother, who was farther away when the explosion came, was badly injured about the face but not seriously. John was immediately taken to Gackle where everything possible was done to relieve the suffering of the unfortunate man.

Bismarck Daily Tribune, 5/13/1911

Ten Quarts

Posted 05/13/2013