Precarious Condition

Girl Drinks Lysol But Will Recover

Fargo N.D. Dec 18 — Twenty year old Augusta Krenekla of Kenmare, N.D., today is in a Fargo hospital recovering from the effects of an apparent attempt to commit suicide. Miss Krenekla is a student at a business college here.

According to James Moreau, also a student at the school, Miss Krenekla called at the home where he is rooming and, when he opened the door and asked her what she wanted her only reply was to drink a small bottle of lysol. Miss Krenekla started to walk away. Moreau was struck so by her action that for a moment he was unable to stop her. Then the poison took effect. She became violently ill and was taken into the house where she became unconscious. A doctor and the police were summoned but before either arrived she regained consciousness, broke away from her captors and dashed out the door.

Moreau he said followed her a few steps and then went back after his hat and coat, but was unable to find her when he reappeared. A searching party was quickly formed to scout the neighborhood. She was found an hour later at the home of E.A. Lindstrom, at whose doorstep she had fallen, apparently exhausted. She was taken inside, where she was found a few minutes later by the police who immediately rushed her to the hospital. How long she wandered about on the coldest night of the season, is not known. She had been missing nearly an hour.

Moreau had known the girl for a number of years he said, but had never been in love with him, as far as he knew. He said he had taken her to picture shows a few times and, when they were at Kenmare, to dances. Miss Krenelka is a typical northern European type, with blond bobbed hair. She is, in her way, attractive. According to school authorities she is very emotional. She has been a student at the school for about two weeks.

Bismarck Tribune 12-18-1922

Fargo Girl in Serious Condition

Fargo, N.D., Dec 19.—Miss Augusta Krenelken, 20, who is in a Fargo hospital in a serious condition as a result of an attempt to end her life by drinking poison at the door of James Morrow, with whom it is alleged she was intimately friendly, was reported as resting easily and unless complications develop will recover, according to the attending physician.

Bismarck Tribune 12-19-1922

The paper uses various spellings both the lovelorn woman's name and that of the object of her desire; "Krenelka" and "Morrow" may be what they were aiming for.

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Posted 02/14/2012