Broken Arm

Horse Trainer Injured.

Joe Lowry, who drives horses for Dr. Bentley, was seriously injured a little before noon today. He was driving a three year old colt for the first time single, and the animal became frightened in some way and started to run, dragging the sulky up on the side walk at the west end of the Dakota block, and throwing the driver out. He fell upon his head, and it seems probable was also kicked in the head by the horse as he fell, for when picked up he was unconscious, his face badly bruised and abraded and covered with blood. He was taken to the house on the opposite corner, and afterward to the hospital, not having recovered consciousness at the time he reached there.

Bismarck Daily Tribune, 7/28/1897

Joe Lowery, who was thrown from a sulky and badly injured yesterday, was able to be out today. His face is quite badly scarred up, both eyes discolored, and his nose badly bruised, where it is probable he was kicked by the horse. He has suffered no permanent injury, however, and had a fortunate escape.

Bismarck Daily Tribune, 7/29/1897

Akin To Erysipelas

Posted 03/05/2014