

Flossie, Old Gray Mare, Rescued by Strategy of Joe Spies, Who Knows How

The old gray mare came very near illustrating the song refrain that "she isn't what she used to be," Thursday afternoon, while John Jahner was plowing the lot in the rear of 218 First Street for Joseph S Wright.

The mare in question was Flossie, part of the contracting outfit of O. M. Anderson. Unknown to all concerned in the job, there was an old cesspool on the tract. When the plowing had been nearly completed, Flossie suddenly began to sink by the hindquarters as Jahner was drawing one of the final furrows. down she went through the rotting timber coverings until only her head was visible. Jahner managed to avert the sinking of Flossie's bay mate.

A rope was resorted to for Flossie's removal. A loop was cast around her neck, but the horse was unable to scramble out as Jahner and Anderson pulled at the other end. Besides, Flossie nearly strangled.

Joe Spies, who has had experience in two such instances, came over from his garden operations, and gave anderson and his staff men the benefit of his knowledge. An incline was dug and then, by pulling on ropes, Flossie was assisted to scramble up to the surface again. She wasn't hurt, except that her back was scraped by some of the broken timbers, and she promptly went back into the harness.

Mr. Spies once assisted in getting a horse out of a well 140 feet deep. The animal fell into 40 feet of water and was fished out by means of a windlass, thereafter living 30 years.

In view of this episode, Flossie's performance was comparatively amateurish to Mr. Spies.

Bismarck Tribune, 5/3/1929

Subsoil Packer

Posted 06/03/2013