Pathetic Touch


A Cyclone Near Clifford Kills a Family of Five—Others Injured.

Fargo, N.D., July 24.—Reliable information has reached here of a cyclone near Clifford, in the northwestern part of Traill county, which resulted in the death of five persons in one family, and severe injuries to a man and his wife in another. Considerable damage to property is also reported.

Only Three Injured

Fargo, July 24.—Later particulars from Traill county say the house was struck and the house of a farmer named Anderson, demolished, severely injuring his wife and two children. Owing to the track of the cyclone, being a considerable distance from a telegraph station definite particulars are hard to get, but here it is not generally thought that any lives were lost.

Jamestown Weekly Alert, 7/21/1890

Ford Car

Posted 07/31/2014