Oval Portrait

More Shooting

John Dart was shot in Bannigan's establishment, on Fourth St., Monday evening, one ball entering his left breast, passing along the ribs and coming out at the back, another ball entering the wrist and coming out near the elbow. Dart refuses to tell who shot him, and little could be learned of the circumstances. Indeed he declares he shot himself, but the location of the wounds are such that this seems impossible. The ladies of the house were arrested but refuse to give information as to how the affair occurred. Dart will recover without permanent injury.

Bob Costello shot at John McMahon during a row yesterday, the ball grazing McMahon's head. McMahon thought he was badly wounded and felt like surrendering, but when a bystander remarked something about its being a good thing, he jumped up and knocked the bystander about two rods, more or less. A shooting scrape also occurred at the lower brewery, yesterday. This morning Joe Reagan was prancing around town with a light cane, remarking about every fourth step, "I am the black eyed chief of Bismarck, I am," and suggesting that he wanted some one to whip him. Joe is capable of better things, and if some one would knock the whiskey clean out of him and give his upper story a chance to recuperate, he might again become worthy of the respect of whose who would be glad to be his friends.

Bismarck Semi-Weekly Tribune, 5-30-1877

Fell From Bridge

Posted 01/16/2012